¿Did they catch the automobile sector by surprise? Really someone with two fingers in front of me do not understand that the decision of the Government of Spain has been made thinking about the future, betting on the ecological and clean, betting on the health of the inhabitants of this wonderful country.
Do you know how much money is spent on sanitation to treat diseases caused by polluted air? In 2019, the cost generated by the pollution caused by the car park was approximately 3,600 MILLION euros, and it is estimated that around 10,000 people have died.
See if when auto dealerships that do not reinvent themselves become simple logistical points will also catch them by surprise?
At Way2Mobility we believe in the responsible use of the vehicle, we know that pay-per-use is the new reality in the economy and at the same time we are passionate about mobility and for these reasons we have decided to help dealers undertake to offer adapted mobility solutions to the new consumer demand.
Wake up and make decisions not anchored in the past and nothing will catch you by surprise!
The best way to predict the future is to create it!